Hopkinton Sustainable Green Committee

Sign up to help at Recycle/Reuse Day

Sign up to help at EV Expo

Sign up to help water plants

Sign up to help plant a library garden

Hopkinton residents often ask what sustainable practices they should follow - this page introduces what will have the most impact and provides links to help you do them.

You can't do all of them right now but you can do a few, and then work on the rest. Some have no cost, some will save you money in the near term, and all will save you money in the longer term, plus there are incentives to help you.

This website is intended to be the one-stop spot for all your local sustainability needs. It's a work-in-progress and is updated regularly. We welcome your input, too!

See what others in town are doing - they've earned green stars - and let us know about your efforts.

The biggest question we get is "what can I do to have a positive impact" - the above graphic summarizes the main practices and this list provides more details:

The purpose of the Hopkinton Sustainable Green Committee is to promote sustainable and environmentally responsible practices in the Town of Hopkinton. Per the Town's charge for our committee, we provide citizen leadership and practical solutions in promoting sustainable and environmentally responsible practices in the Town of Hopkinton that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save money, energy and resources, reduce toxic chemical health threats, and preserve resources and ecosystems.

You can see the full charge document here.

The Committee was established in 2008 to assist the Town in developing cost effective, sustainable practices that will aid town government, existing and future business, and residents. The Committee reorganized in 2020 with renewed energy and focus. Some of current focus areas include:

We look forward to working with the town, businesses, and residents to promote sustainability throughout Hopkinton. To find out more, use this website and the resources on it. We also welcome your input - see Your Participation for more.