Hopkinton Sustainable Green Committee
Sign up to help at Recycle/Reuse Day
Sign up to help at EV Expo
Sign up to help water plants
Sign up to help plant a library garden
Hopkinton residents often ask what sustainable practices they should follow - this page introduces what will have the most impact and provides links to help you do them.
You can't do all of them right now but you can do a few, and then work on the rest. Some have no cost, some will save you money in the near term, and all will save you money in the longer term, plus there are incentives to help you.
This website is intended to be the one-stop spot for all your local sustainability needs. It's a work-in-progress and is updated regularly. We welcome your input, too!
See what others in town are doing - they've earned green stars - and let us know about your efforts.
The biggest question we get is "what can I do to have a positive impact" - the above graphic summarizes the main practices and this list provides more details:
Get a Mass Save audit and implement the recommendations - buildings are the largest contributors to greenhouse gases in town and this one thing will save energy in your home or business and save you money. You need an audit to take advantage of some of the savings and can get one every two years because technology and programs change.
Switch to electric energy when it's time to replace your home HVAC and vehicles:
Get a heat pump and heat pump water heater in your home or business
Get an electric car, and/or carpool or combine trips or get a higher MPG vehicle.
Install solar panels - get an assessment, or encourage your landlord to do that if you are not the owner
Use this calculator from the non-profit Rewiring America to see what incentives and savings might apply to you. See more resources and guides at their website, RewiringAmerica.org
Reduce your energy use - wear a sweater before turning on the heat, use Energy Star appliances, etc.
Reduce waste - consume less, reuse more, buy used items, donate unwanted items, compost your food scraps, and recycle
Eat more plants and less animal-based food: more vegetables, nuts, fruits, beans ~ less meat, poultry, fish, dairy
When making decisions about moving, additions, and having a second home, consider the significant impact that square footage per person has on the environment. A larger space means more greenhouse emissions for heating and for materials produced and transported, plus more disturbance of natural habitat. Here's one study on the impact.
Don't use products that harm us and the earth - find alternatives
Learn more and share what you find - work with us and other sources you already know
Use the resources from SGC including this website - the search field helps you find info easily
Participate via social media:
Facebook page, HopGreenMA, has timely information and announcements. You DO NOT need a Facebook account to view the postings, though you do need one to comment.
Instagram account, HopGreenMA, has the same info as our Facebook page
Join the Sustainable Hopkinton Facebook group to post your own tips and questions and read other input from the community. You DO need a Facebook account to join.
Volunteer with us - send an email to HopGreenMA@gmail.com
Read sources you already trust
Talk with people you know, suggest changes to groups you are part of, and volunteer to implement changes
Share your favorite tips and practices with us, or send us your questions or suggestions: HopGreenMA@gmail.com
See how one household, the Simpson's, have been upping their game, and look for testimonials from other local residents in each of the areas of the web site
The purpose of the Hopkinton Sustainable Green Committee is to promote sustainable and environmentally responsible practices in the Town of Hopkinton. Per the Town's charge for our committee, we provide citizen leadership and practical solutions in promoting sustainable and environmentally responsible practices in the Town of Hopkinton that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save money, energy and resources, reduce toxic chemical health threats, and preserve resources and ecosystems.
You can see the full charge document here.
The Committee was established in 2008 to assist the Town in developing cost effective, sustainable practices that will aid town government, existing and future business, and residents. The Committee reorganized in 2020 with renewed energy and focus. Some of current focus areas include:
- Net zero carbon emissions declaration and climate action plan
- Municipal aggregation plan for the purchase of sustainably produced electricity at reduced group rates
- Improvements in recycling and composting
- Reduction of the use of plastic, styrofoam, and pesticides
- Town-wide cleanup days
- Visibility events and other opportunities for education and advocacy